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Folder Check checks if a given folder exists or not. In addition to supporting local folder check it also supports other protocols like

  • Cloud Object storage (example: AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage)
  • SMB
  • SFTP
kind: Canary
  name: exec-check
  interval: 30
  - description: "Check the secret folder"
    name: secret folder check
    path: /home/flanksource/secrets
Field Description Scheme Required
name Name of the check string
description Description for the check string
icon Icon for overwriting default icon on the dashboard string
labels Labels for check map[string]string
test Template to test the result against Template
display Template to display the result in Template
transform Template for transformation Template
path Path to folder or object storage, e.g. s3://<bucket-name>, gcs://<bucket-name>, /path/tp/folder string
filter Specify filters FolderFilter
awsConnection AWS connection details for S3 bucket AWSConnection
gcpConnection GCP connection details for GCS bucket GCPConnection
smbConnection SMB connection details for SMB bucket SMBConnection
sftpConnection SFTP connection details for SFTP bucket SFTPConnection

Scheme Reference


Field Description Scheme Required
minAge Duration
maxAge Duration
minSize Size
maxSize Size
regex string


Field Description Scheme Required
accessKey Specify the access key kommons.EnvVar
secretKey Specify the secret key kommons.EnvVar
region Specify the region string
endpoint Specify the endpoint string
skipTLSVerify Skip TLS verification when connecting to AWS bool
objectPath Glob path to restrict matches to a subset string
usePathStyle Use path style path: instead of bool


Field Description Scheme Required
endpoint Specify the endpoint string
credentials Specify the credentials kommons.EnvVar


Field Description Scheme Required
port Port on which smb server is running. Defaults to 445 int
auth Authentication details for the SMB server
domain Domain string
workstation Workstation string
sharename Sharename to mount from the samba server string
searchPath Sub-path inside the mount location string


Field Description Scheme Required
port Port for the SSH server. Defaults to 22 int
host Hostname of the SFTP server string
auth Authentication details for the SFTP server


Field Description Scheme Required
username Username kommons.EnvVar
password Password kommons.EnvVar